2011-12-7 9:54:38
在异乡的岁月,也交到了许多朋友,有和我一样海外漂泊的留学生与职场上的白领,也有很多别具特色的外国朋友。而从我的故事展开,猛拿大哥, Scott叔叔,芷云,卡门,达尔文,吉拉德,西亚,珍妮太太,玛纳斯也渐渐走入了我的笔下,呈现出活灵活现生动的情景剧。
PS: 今天收到了匿名情书一封哦!然后还有几个朋友送我的小礼物。谢谢你们,我的内心永远充满着感激。我知道,我是幸运的,也是幸福快乐的。希望也能够同时将我的快乐与身边的人分享,将这份幸福弥漫在人间。
Dear Darwin:
I was so used to say good morning to you every day in the morning. Today, I woke up at 5 in the morning again, but then I realized that I was in Purdue University already. I think I miss Houston, especially when I arrived at Chicago yesterday. The city which I was very familiar with became a strange city suddenly. This summer has been a very rewarding, precious summer for me. I learn a lot of new things, on the job or life experience, most importantly, nice intelligent people. Hard work is good work, then when I face new challenges, I would be confident to take it and push my boundaries. It makes me very happy.
I arrived at Chicago at 3 in the afternoon yesterday, I had to check 2 bags (I promise I am not a shopper but when I came here I only had 1,haha...) Then I did a lot of photography in Chicago. The city is in its best time in the transition of summer to fall, before it gets too windy.
Today I did a tour for some international students and parents, school life is more casual and less structural, but it also needs a lot of devotion. I am now cleaning my new dorm and try to organize things and do some decorations. After I have finished this room project which probably takes 2 weeks, I will send you some photos ^_^
I always have people asking me why I was so busy. Then I started to think, hmm, I should be better, so I can be able to manage all the lists without look busy. I think the reason for keeping busy is to be happy I guess, the more you travel the more you want to see, the more you can handle the more challenges you want to take, however, after a while, take a break, spend some quality time with friends and family, and let your soul catch your body a little bit is important to balance your work and life.
Time for bed I think I will continue unpacking tomorrow.
Have a nice day!
PS: If the yahoo email works, I will always use that email address for sending you emails. No worries!
Best wishes,
昨日下午3点,我抵达了芝加哥,却发现需要托运两个大箱子(我保证我一定不是个购物狂,但是从芝加哥飞到休斯敦的时候却只有一个箱子,哈哈。。。) 在芝加哥,我照了很多精彩的照片,夏末秋初的时候,是芝加哥最美的时节,狂风还没有来得及侵袭,一切都平静如洗。
附: 如果雅虎邮箱能够收到,我会一直将邮箱发到您的私信箱中的!勿念!
Good to hear that you arrived safely; it’s a small trip compared with coming alone from China. I traveled internationally for years and going to any city in the world becomes easy and normal in time. I got both copies of your email so you can send to either address in the future. I have already missed your good morning greeting and afternoon conversations. Sounds like you are already very busy as you said you expected. I am sure all will go well because you are so capable. Scott departed to Australia last Friday for his permanent assignment there. Dan will leave in a few weeks if his visa is granted; our group here in Houston has and will continue to get smaller. At this time I just wanted to respond. I’ll write you again. Bye for now.
Dear Darwin:Good afternoon.
Sorry for taking so long to write to you after back to school. Actually school starts officially today(August 22nd, Monday), from August 4th to August 21st, I had more than two weeks of Resident Assistant Training, enhancing building up community, socialize with all the resident halls on campus. I will send you some photos later.
There are a lot of students checking in early, so my voluntary work at the ISS (International Student Scholar) was busy as well. I did floor decoration for 40 girls on my floor, had the first floor meeting with them, did kitchen training with them and got started with the new semester. I slept at 2am and got up at 7 everyday for the past two weeks. I am happy that I really enjoyed it.
I am going to roll-up my sleeves, and get ready to dig in, because it is going to be an exciting year. I think the more energy you put into your work the more rewarding the experience will be.
How are you recently? I miss you often, you are so nice to me.
Please take care and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely, Summer
So nice to hear from you. Every day I think of you; I see the little fish you put on the cup and it makes me smile; Sometimes the small things have the most value.
Being busy is not a bad thing, but you do need to get your sleep or in time it will wear on you physically and mentally. I am not your keeper, but I boldly suggest 6 hours of sleep as a minimum. You wrote on the cup Love Work Study Life and I sometimes ponder the purity of your philosophy. I believe Faith Hope Love is essential in Life. But of course money is indispensible! Ha! I looked up the Chinese characters for these words and I really like the one for Hope. In western society Love is said to be the greatest but somehow I think that Hope is the most important to be happy. Work( and study is work too) together with Hope and a bit of luck will bring happiness and probably that which is indispensible. Faith is also very important and it has many faces in our physical, mental, and spiritual lives and the persons within us. Who are you talking to when you have conversations in your mind? Do you think the secrets of life may actually be what we already know? You will work diligently and this will complement everything in your life, but all of our persons must be nourished so don’t be too busy for your art and appreciation for the art in nature; it is free and yet so very valuable. I think you may already know these things better than I. I did learn many things for you and I could see your goodness and wisdom and this increased my faith and hope.
I am glad to hear you are doing fine and that you are looking forward to the school year. I am also at least content. I went home for 4 days August 11-14 and that was refreshing. My daughter came from California and it was nice to visit together. We went to our river place and had lunch on our dock. Sometimes there are dolphins in the river, but we saw none on that day. They come and go as they please, but usually travel in groups as they are social creatures like people. People sometimes frown but dolphins always smile like the one on the cup. I try to smile too and I have faith that you are smiling just now.
你在杯子上写着: 爱,工作,学习与生活。我有时候会对你的人生哲学停下来思考一阵子。我认为信念,希望与爱是生命的关键。当然,正如你曾经告诉我的,金钱也是不可取代的(夏天:转自简 奥斯丁的小说中的一句)哈哈!你说得很对!我查找到了这几个字的中文汉字,我发现我最喜欢的中文汉字组词是: 希望。在西方社会,爱被尊为最伟大的,但是有时候我觉得希望是获得幸福最重要的一步。工作(当然学习也是工作)加上希望,再加上一些运气,将幸福锁住,而那种幸福,也是不可取代的。信念也是很重要的,它存在于我们的身体,灵魂和精神生活,还有我们人体里。试想,当您的脑海中有一段对话,你在和谁聊天呢?你会不会觉得生命的秘密也许正生长在我们已经了解到的领域里?你会在人生的旅途中有许多生活,因为你勤奋努力地工作。而对艺术的执着,对大自然的神往,让我们变得立体与丰满,不那么庸庸碌碌人云亦云。自然与艺术是上天赐予我们免费的礼物,我觉得你已经比我更加了解这个境界。为了你,我也开始更多地了解艺术与哲学,因为喜欢和一个戴着思索火花的小女孩聊天,我可以看到你的善良与智慧,而那些,坚定了我的信念,播种了希望的种子。
我很开心你最近过得很好而且你也很期待新的学年。我最近还算差强人意。从八月十一日到八月十四日我回家(PS: 达尔文的家在弗罗里达)了四天来放松一下自己。我的女儿从加州来看我,我很满足。我们去了离家不远处的河边,在船坞上吃午餐。有时候河里有海豚(我曾经告诉达尔文我最喜欢的动物是海豚),但那一天,却不见一只。他们来去自如,但是通常集体活动,他们和人类一样都是社交动物。不同的是,人类常常皱眉,而海豚永远是微笑着的,正如你送给我的杯子上你精心绘制的海豚。我总是努力地微笑,并且也相信,当你读到我这封信的时候你也露出了甜美的笑容。
Dear Darwin: Here are some of my photos for the recent two weeks! Best Regards, Summer08/24/11
Thank you for the pictures. I like the one with the butterfly in your hands the most.
Well, I suppose you are busy with new studies by now and the exciting times you predicted. Things here in the office change slowly, but a major change was the departure of John MacKay. He left this past week to go to the jobsite in Australia. He is taking 2 weeks holiday with his family in Holland before going on to Australia. Hopefully he can keep all the work on schedule. I have moved into John’s office now. That is a surprise to me. I’m in the office today just to write an expense report and catch up on a few things like writing this note to you. Yesterday I drove to a friend’s home about 20 miles north of Houston. He and his wife live in Saudi Arabia but were home for a holiday. I have not seen my friend since 1998 though we sometimes talk by phone. They fed me lunch and we walked around their 5 acre property and talked. It was nice to meet again. On the drive back to my apartment I noticed the temperature was 111 degrees F. That is hot; I think it is the hottest day we have had all summer. I hope Summer is cooler in Indiana!
Dolphin still smiling; me too.
对了,我猜想你一定开始紧张地投入新课程的学习,并且如你所愿,每天都特别振奋。在休斯敦办公室里的生活没有多大的变化,但最近的改变却是John MacKay (夏天注:John 是项目经理,是Scott的上司,Scott 是我们部门的头~~)上一周离开了休斯敦总部去往澳大利亚的施工现场。他现在正在和他的家人一起享受两周的假期。希望他能够保持工作的进度。而我也搬进了John的办公室,这样的升职让我也有些惊讶。今天我来到办公室需要完成一份项目支出报告,并且更多地完成工作进度,比如说和你写信。
Dear Darwin,
I am so happy that you are doing great and congratulations for your new office. I am sure the window view is much better. I love your thoughts on hope, I believe in hope, and that always gives me courage when I feel frustrated, then I feel I can keep moving on.
The weather in Indiana is much cooler, around 77 F, after a while, all of a sudden, autumn comes and the leaves turn red, the campus view would be breathtaking. Don't you love fall? Everything suddenly became colorful, golden and poetic. You feel that your writing became softer and more philosophical, then you start thinking about wisdom, life, love, hope, friendship, family, relationship, empathy all these immortal topics. Suddenly, you feel that you forget about where you are, who you are and when it is, and you are just sitting in a silent library, listening to the sound of leaves falling like butterflies.
My life on campus is still going on, as a Resident Assistant, every week I host an activity with my 40 residents and help them interact with each other to build a community, also maintaining the safety, health and sanitary of the floor area. Luckily, I haven't had a trouble-maker on my floor, every girl is nice to me. When I talk to my friends about this, they start laughing:"Come on Summer, have you ever talked about any bad things of a person? You just think everyone is nice." They laugh about my judgments. However, I have my clear judgments, I am very sentimental, but I am also good at analyzing, when they make a mistake, I tend to first forgive them and talk to them in person. I think people do make mistakes now and then and you should give them a chance to correct them, make progress and be successful in the future. I can understand complaining, handling complains make us learn from history and improve ourselves, but sometimes I think complaining is a signal of lacking of confidence and ability, you can put the energy into something else which could benefit you rather than plain complaining while doing nothing.
Also, another thought for these days' thinking: It's much more likely to act the way for a feeling, than to feel like the way of an action. A good habit is built up by more than 14 days, so when you want to achieve something like a long term project, you can first start doing the work breakdowns for like 30 min to 1 hour everyday and form a habit, then everything becomes much easier.
Life goes on and I am looking forward to your reply. I miss Houston, I wish I could see you soon.
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
Dear Summer,
I am always so glad to hear from you. I am happy to hear you have no troublemakers, but I’m sure some situations will arise from time to time; Does not matter though because you can fix it I’m sure. Unfortunately there are no specifications of life so you will have to do some thinking when those situations arise. Good news – you have brilliant mind and all will be well in the end!
Although I did get to enjoy the view for a time it seems that Bechtel policy for the building is that offices with doors are reserved for persons with 27 grade code and higher and I’m only 26 so out the door I am booted. I am amused and since I had not moved much from my cubical anyway I am little bothered by the whole silly thing. Good grief Charlie Brown!! Do you know Charlie Brown?
Still hot in Houston. Boring weather but will change.
I do indeed like Fall. I was originally from Ohio, born there and schooled there. Fall was always the best of all. Moderate temperatures and of course the change in the color of the leaves. As far as sounding like butterflies I can’t hear well enough to say but I do remember the flying decent of leaves in the wind or the flutter in the calm. Just the same gravity does its job and to the ground they go. Could you imagine if we had no gravity? Please smile! All those leaves flying about continuously and butterflies wouldn’t need wings. That would be sad. Ah, but we really live in a perfectly organized world that has beauty and mystery everywhere. How could our world be so amazing?
I like your thought on creating good habits. Maybe the thing for me is to apply the 14 day method to break a bad habit. Does that work too? Oh, but your message is to not just feel and plan but to actually take action. I’ve been wanting to write a book called: “Economic Anarchy” It is about the current radicalization of the free enterprise system and extreme capitalism. I’m not sure if I should but maybe if I just wrote a little each day I could accomplish this. Up until now it had just been a thought but as you may have heard BORDERS is going bankrupt and selling out their inventory. Last week I was there and I saw a book by Mitt Romney called “No Apologies”. I was going to but it but when I went downstairs I found the checkout line had about a million people in it and would take more time than my patience so I put the book back faithfully on the shelf where it belonged. I think you would have done that too. Anyway yesterday I went back there and I found the book again and it was discounted even more. So I bought it for $2.60 including tax. Not bad. So I started reading the book yesterday and I realized that even though I agree with Mitt Romney on many things he is in fact an economic anarchist and he should not become the next President. So maybe I am obligated to write my book and stop him and others like him. I’ll finish reading the book and then maybe I will begin my rebuttal to this deep seated assault on the ordinary working citizen and its far reaching effects on mankind. I feel I have a good message but I am not sure that I am equipped to do it. Powerful people certainly won’t be amused. I will think more about this. At least I know that I do have the freedom to express my views. I am happy about that.
Tell me what classes you are taking this term. Then I can think back and imagine your studies. You will be learning these things that I have either long forgotten or never learned at all.
If you want to send a card my address is ******.
Now I return to colorful, golden, and poetic and things as you say that really matter and wonder if it is better to just live one’s own life and not try to climb over the Great Wall. Just listen and see the falling flutter that is to come, which we hope will come, which we have faith will come as the nature has a cycle, circle, reliable circle but always with something new.
Dolphin still smiling. You too?
每次收到你的来信,我都无比欢欣。我很愉悦地得知你的楼层里没有麻烦制造者,但是我敢保证有些情况会常常发生,这不算什么,因为我相信你一定能解决好问题的。不幸的是,生活中没有一本说明书可以参照,所以如果有特殊情况发生,你需要认真思考来解决问题。好消息-- 你兰心蕙质,善解人意,相信最后的结果一定都是好的。
虽然我的确有机会享受到窗外的风景,但是公司的规定。。。(夏天注:这一小段暂不翻译,与公司的规定有关,没有再公司工作过很难理解清楚含义)。。。 你知道 Charlie Brown 么?你知道谁是 Charlie Brown么?(夏天注: Charlie Brown 是史奴比动画片的男主人公,一身有很多哲学含义,达尔文再次使用双关。)
我喜欢你关于培养良好习惯的想法。也许对于我来说,是花将近14天的时间来改掉一个坏习惯吧。那样会不会也有成效呢?哦,亲爱的朋友,在你的信里,你说生命并不仅仅是感觉或说说而已,而是真正地付出与行动。 我一直很想要写一本书名叫:“经济的混乱”。这将会是一本关于如今这个激进的,自由贸易系统与极限资本化而可能产生问题的书。(夏天注:达尔文虽然是一名资深的施工工程是,也有丰富的其他职业的工作经历:律师,作家,教授,金融分析师,股票投资分析师等,今后一定细说~~)我不知道我是否真的会需要写一本书,但是也许我会照你的说法,每天写一点点,有朝一日,这个梦想就不会遥远。到现在,这只是一个想法。
但是你也许也知道了BORDERS连锁书店也已经破产了,开始倾销所有的存货。上个星期我去了你常常去的BORDERS书店,然后看到了Mitt Romney 写的书:“不要道歉”。 我当时想要买下来但是当我从二楼走到一楼的时候却发现收银台前的排队会消耗我耐心以外的时间,因此我虔诚地把书放回了原处取下来的书架上。我想你也会这样做的。不管怎么样,昨天我又回去看那本书,又重新找到了它,而它的折扣居然更加多了。所以我花了2.6美金(含税)买了下来。不算坏。因此我昨天开始读这本书,而且我也了解到虽然我同意Mitt Romney在很多方面的想法,而它实际上是个经济混乱分子而且他一定不可以成为下一任美国总统(夏天注:看到这里,笑不成声。。。)。 于是也许我有责任写一本“经济的混乱”来组止他们这一些好事之徒!我将会尽快阅读完这本书,而后我也许能开始辩驳这本书中对单纯的工作劳动力的深度攻击,他们造成的对大家影响也是很大的。